Spiritual Coach & Creative Guide

Dylan D$ King



2 hour LIVE workshop for deeply self-aware creatives who are thrashing between what they really want and what they’re supposed to say.
If you want to make clear-cut decisive statements claiming what you desire at your core without dressing them up to impress anyone- then this workshop is for you.

Dylan King Spiritual Coach & Creative Guide

Hey I'm Dylan

Creativity is written in my star-chart; it’s my magical spell, & the pinky promise I made to myself at 5 years old.

I make bad art, sometimes with my 4 year old in my lap, because I’ll be damned if I let anything come between me & what makes me ME again (been there, done that).

Since 2019, I’ve supported folks in making sure that desperate ache to express themselves doesn’t eat them alive.

I have a gift (& let’s be real- a love for) guiding people in putting themselves on the page without so much overthinking, so much perfectionism, and writing shitty little poems that make you go I CAN’T BELIEVE I CREATED THAT combined with OF COURSE I CREATED THAT.

Creative Library

Creative prompts, moon rituals, artistic guides to support you on your creative & spiritual journey

Kind Words